Bulimia And Your Dental Health

It's important for everyone to care for their teeth, since everyone is at risk of cavities and other dental issues. However, there are some who are more at risk of dental problems either due to genetics, illnesses, lifestyle choices, or eating disorders. One eating disorder that can cause a lot of problems for your teeth is bulimia. If you are bulimic, then you want to become more aware of how the condition is not only affecting your health in many ways, but also how you can be destroying your teeth, and putting yourself at risk of developing a lot of dental problems. [Read More]

3 Surprising Things About Periodontal Disease You May Not Know

Dental health is extremely important. The state of one's teeth can affect their ability to eat nutritious foods as well as contribute to their self-esteem and confidence. Periodontal disease affects not only your gums but the structures that surround your teeth and hold them in. Left untreated, periodontal disease will eventually lead to tooth loss. Here are three things you might know about this condition. Periodontal Disease Is Caused By Bacteria [Read More]

Is There A Way To Recover More Quickly From Sedation After Dental Work?

Sedation dentistry is a wonderful way for people to get through dental procedures when they might normally avoid them, and it's a great way to avoid dealing with the sounds of the dental equipment. But it also makes you groggy for a while, and you can't do that much after the procedure. The sedative used doesn't knock you out for long, and you won't feel effects for days. But if you still don't like feeling more tired than normal, you can do a few things to help your recovery along. [Read More]

Laughing Gas As A Dental Sedative

If you are afraid to visit your dentist, you may avoid receiving the dental care that you need to maintain your oral health. Dental fears are common, but your dentist may have solutions to help ease your anxiety. Sedation dentistry involves the application of sedatives to help reduce dental anxiety and allow fearful patients to relax during their dental visits. The sedatives used in sedation dentistry include oral, injected, and inhaled medications. [Read More]