Is There A Way To Recover More Quickly From Sedation After Dental Work?

Sedation dentistry is a wonderful way for people to get through dental procedures when they might normally avoid them, and it's a great way to avoid dealing with the sounds of the dental equipment. But it also makes you groggy for a while, and you can't do that much after the procedure. The sedative used doesn't knock you out for long, and you won't feel effects for days. But if you still don't like feeling more tired than normal, you can do a few things to help your recovery along.

Do Not Push Yourself

One of the best ways to recover quickly from sedation is to not fight the fact that you haven't recovered yet. If you push yourself, you could end up feeling more exhausted and drained. Let your friend or family member drive you home, and get some rest. Treat the rest of the day like a mild sick day from work (and technically, it is); rest, sleep, read, and generally chill out.

No Alcohol or Other Drugs

Even if the sedation is being done only to soothe your nerves during a simple procedure, do not drink alcohol or take other drugs or supplements afterward. Anything that alters your mind, mood, or body will only interfere with your ability to recover. This includes something as minor as sipping beer several hours after the procedure is over. The sedation used in dental procedures usually wears off quickly, but give your body at least a full day, if not a couple or a few days, to recover before having anything mind-altering like alcohol.

Eat Only What Your Dentist Recommends

A potential side effect of sedation is a bit of nausea, though not on the scale that you might experience with full general anesthesia. Still, it's best to avoid eating too much after the procedure. The conundrum you face, though, is that eating something can also help you recover from the sedative. Before the procedure — better yet, when you're getting your pre-procedure instructions  ask your dentist what the best things to eat after the procedure might be, and how long you should wait before eating. If your dentist gives you a wide range of things you can eat, choose healthy, lighter fare at first. Important: If your dentist advises you not to eat after the procedure because of the type of work you're having done, obey that advice.

You can talk about all this with your dentist when you're both planning the procedure and the appointment. The sedation really is rather easy to recover from, but it's understandable if you prefer not to be in that "recovering" state for too long.
