Dealing With A Dental Abscess

Have your gums been in a lot of pain lately that seems to be getting worse? It is in your best interest to take a close look at your gums to find out if there is a lump growing near one of your teeth. If you notice a lump, it means that the pain that you are suffering from is likely from a dental abscess being present. You will need attention from a dentist as soon as possible if there is an abscess developing on your gums, as it can cause other problems if it isn't treated in a timely manner. [Read More]

How To Get Straighter Teeth Without Anyone Noticing Your Braces

In this day and age, people want to have straight and neat-looking teeth without all the downsides of having a mouth full of metal. If you want your teeth to be straightened without dealing with the traditional appearance of braces, you have options. Here are three choices you have available to you to get your teeth straightened without anyone even realizing you have braces. Invisible Braces Invisible braces are more popular than ever because they're nearly impossible to see while they're on your teeth. [Read More]

Pediatric Dental Myths New Parents Often Believe

Being a good parent to your child is likely the most important goal that you have. However, raising a child will require you to learn about the various medical needs that will need to be met and the problems that will have to be solved. Many people will find that they are not as informed about pediatric dental needs as they would like to be, which can open the door to believing myths and other serious notions. [Read More]

Missing Front Tooth? Here Are Your Options For Replacing It

Everyone sees your front teeth whenever you smile, so having one go missing can be quite traumatic! Thankfully, you don't have to keep smiling with a closed mouth to avoid embarrassment. There are several different options for replacing a missing front tooth. Here's a look. A Removable Denture Also known as a "flipper," a removable denture is similar to a retainer with a false tooth on it. You can pop it into your mouth when you get up in the morning, and then remove it at night before you go to bed. [Read More]