Celiac Disease: What You Need To Know About Gluten & Dental Care

Celiac disease is an autoimmune disorder that is caused by gluten. When gluten is ingested or absorbed into the skin, the body reacts by attacking itself. Gluten damages the gastrointestinal system and causes the intestines to not be able to absorb nutrients. This causes problems throughout the body, including dental problems. If you've been recently diagnosed with celiac disease, or think you may have it, here are a few important things to know about gluten and your dental health. [Read More]

2 Home Remedies For Treating Your Toddler's Eruption Cysts

If your toddler is teething, you may notice one or more purplish bumps on their gum where a tooth is coming in. While these eruption cysts usually go away on their own, they can be painful for your child. Try one or both of the following home remedies to help relieve their discomfort using ingredients you can find in pharmacies and grocery stores. Use A Cold Teething Ring Soaked In Peppermint Oil And Water [Read More]

3 New Technologies That Redefine Fillings

Very few people would say that they enjoy getting cavities filled. Even if you have minor fillings that require no anesthetic to be filled, the sound of the drill and preparation of the filling material can be enough to make you squirm. However, in the near future, you may have little or no reason to avoid your yearly check up. With modern technology, cavities are becoming easier to care for in a painless, efficient manner. [Read More]

How To Cavity-Proof Your Child's Mouth

As your young child begins to grow, it's important for you to take the right steps to help him or her develop healthy, cavity-free teeth. To do this, you should begin taking your child to the dentist as early as the age of one, and you can also cavity-proof your child's teeth by following these three tips. Assist With The Right Oral Care Your child is likely to want to brush his or her teeth alone, but you really should help the child do this. [Read More]