2 Home Remedies For Treating Your Toddler's Eruption Cysts

If your toddler is teething, you may notice one or more purplish bumps on their gum where a tooth is coming in. While these eruption cysts usually go away on their own, they can be painful for your child. Try one or both of the following home remedies to help relieve their discomfort using ingredients you can find in pharmacies and grocery stores.

Use A Cold Teething Ring Soaked In Peppermint Oil And Water

This remedy uses a cold teething ring soaked in a mixture of peppermint oil and salt water. When used cold, the teething ring itself helps to reduce any swelling and inflammation around the eruption cysts by constricting the vessels and reducing the amount of blood flow to the tender area.

The peppermint oil serves as the active ingredient in this treatment's solution. When absorbed by the gum's tissue, the oil numbs the nerve endings and reduces your child's pain. The water acts as a carrier for the oil so it can coat the teething ring's entire surface.

Along with the teething ring and peppermint oil, you will also need a small bowl with a lid. It should be deep enough to let you submerge the ring. If you do not have a bowl with a lid, plastic wrap can be used.

In the small bowl, mix together a quarter of a cup of cold water and five drops of peppermint oil. Place the teething ring in the liquid. If there is not enough to cover the ring, add water until it is submerged. Remove the ring, add one more drop of peppermint oil, and replace it.

Cover the bowl and set it in the refrigerator for one hour. Then, give it to your child to use for 15 minutes. After they are finished with it, put it back in the bowl and place it in the refrigerator.

Repeat the treatment every two hours. You can use the same solution for 24 hours before mixing up a new batch.

Massage The Gums With Clove Oil And Salt Water

This treatment uses a soft washcloth soaked in clove oil and salt water to gently massage the gums surrounding the cyst. The salt pulls out inflammation to reduce swelling. It also kills bacteria, keeping the cyst from getting infected.

The clove oil works in the same way as the peppermint oil discussed above. When using clove oil, make sure you do not use more than the recommended amount in the mixture. While it does relieve pain, using the oil in higher concentrations could irritate your child's delicate gum tissue, especially if they are sensitive to it.

In a small bowl, mix together four tablespoons of warm water and two tablespoons of table salt. Let the salt dissolve in the water for 15 minutes. Then, add two drops of clove oil, mixing it well with a clean cotton swab.

Wrap a soft washcloth around the tip of your index finger and dip it into the solution. Once the cloth is soaked, use it to lightly massage the gums surrounding your toddler's cyst for a minute. Then, apply the solution directly to the cyst. However, do not rub the cyst since this could break it open.

Once you are finished, do not allow your child to eat or drink anything for a half an hour. This will give the treatment time to fully soak into the gum tissue.

Use the above home remedies as stated should give your child relief from their pain and swelling. However, if you notice the cysts becoming larger or starting to show signs of infection, you may want to contact your toddler's pediatric dentist as soon as possible so they can examine and discuss any available treatment options.
