What Are Lingual Braces?

Millions of people, teenagers, and adults live with braces every day. While most people are well aware of traditional metal options for their braces, other options do not receive as much attention. Lingual braces are an option many people overlook.

If you are already familiar with the concept of traditional metal braces, simply imagine the same setup on the back of the teeth. This establishes less visibility of the brackets, making this a preferred option by many adults.

The Process of Applying Lingual Braces

The process of installing lingual braces begins with taking impressions of the teeth. From these impressions, the orthodontist can design a system of brackets that will straighten the teeth.

Then, the orthodontist applies the braces to the teeth with the help of bonding agents and cement. The orthodontist may use an applicator tray to do this. Each bracket is then pressed into place where they will set permanently. Once brackets are secure, the orthodontist will trim away any extra bonding agent.

The Advantages of Lingual Braces

Lingual braces are often better for individuals who play instruments or sports, as the braces are not in the most injury-prone areas. Additionally, technological improvements have led to smaller and rounder brackets in recent years.

Additionally, lingual braces offer less discoloration once they are removed. Traditional braces often lead to obvious color changes to the front of the teeth, which this type of orthodontia eliminates.

The Disadvantages of Lingual Braces

Unfortunately, lingual braces do have some disadvantages. For instance, they can be quite difficult to get used to in the beginning. Difficulties with speech are common with lingual braces, which can also lead to soreness in the tongue until it gets tough enough.

Additionally, the appointments used to tighten the lingual braces can become longer because of the increased difficulty for orthodontists to reach this part of the body.

Food can also easily become stuck in lingual braces. This can make it more difficult to brush or floss, and food can even cause some damage.

Choosing Lingual Braces

Depending on the type of bite you have, lingual braces might be a great choice for you. Unfortunately, people with excessive overlapping of the teeth might find that lingual braces are not as beneficial for you.

Are you unsure if lingual braces are right for you? Talk to a dental office like Poulson Orthodontics today about the many tooth-straightening options available for your dental needs.
